Information for foreign guests

To be able to fish in Germany you need a national fishing license, which you get after passing a written examination. Visitors from abroad wishing to fish while in Germany must provide either a fishing license or certification to prove that they fish in their home country. This certification may then be submitted to the local council of the respective area (Fisheries and Community Office) to obtain an annual fishing license for a fee of 16.00 €; a passport photo is required.

This regulation is only permitted if you don’t live in Germany or don’t intend to live in Germany for longer than one year.
Dutch fishing guests can apply for a fishing license without proof of certification due to the fact that in the Netherlands it’s not necessary to sit a fishing examination.

After acquiring a Fishing License, you have to purchase a fishing permit for the water that is intended to be fished, the permits can be obtained in our distribution centers (Ausgabestellen).
Contact details and further relevant information regarding Community Offices can be found here: